Wednesday 12 February 2014

Rimmel London Scandaleyes Rockin' Curves mascara

Yesterday I decided that it was time to try a new mascara because the mascara I mentioned in my ELF Haul is running low already. I don't really know how that happened, but both ends are completely empty. So I needed to get a new mascara, and to be honest, I picked this one because it looked cool and was kind of cheap. I chose Rimmel London's Scandaleyes Rockin' Curves. It's a really long name though.

That's a long name, and it fits the length of my lashes when I apply it. It's so good. Basically it doesn't really give you a clumpy look, but more of a natural length and colour. If you apply it the right way of course. The first time I tried it, it did the clumpy things, and I thought I'd wasted my money on it, but then I experimented with how I hold the brush, and it helped a lot. 

This is what it looks like when applied with care. I realise that my eyelashes aren't equally long, because I sometimes accidentally pull them out. Bear with me. I really like it, and it's definitely worth a go. 

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