Friday 29 November 2013

16 Uses for Vaseline!

As I mentioned in this post, I'm really not a fan of using Vaseline as a lip balm. I think it's greasy, nasty and it doesn't smell very nice, so I prefer a normal lip balm. Instead, I've found 16 uses for Vaseline:

1. Vaseline is better than soap when you need to get a ring off your finger. It makes your skin more "slippery", and helps the ring get off.
2. Put Vaseline on the areas around your eyes when you dye your lashes and brows. It's really great here, because the colour doesn't go through, and it'll make it easier to remove the colour that might have ended up on your skin. 

3. Dab some Vaseline on your hairline to prevent an ugly edge from the colouring.
4. Put some Vaseline on the areas where you spray your perfume, before doing it. It'll make the perfume last longer.
5. Use it to keep your eyebrows in place.

6. Use Vaseline on your cuticles, it makes it easier to push the cuticles upwards. 
7. Put some Vaseline on the tips of your eyelashes before going to sleep. Don't get it all the way to the roots, because the oil in the Vaseline can damage your roots. This will make your eyelashes more flexible. 

8. Mix the Vaseline with some flaked salt and use it as a leg peeling. It makes your legs smooth and nice, while it also gets rid of the dead skin.

9.  You can use Vaseline as a lip gloss. Don't use it as lip care, it doesn't work very well. 

10. Put it on zippers, if they're hard to zip. It makes it smoother and helps the zipper to glide.

11. Carefully put a bit of Vaseline around the openings on nailpolishes that are hard to open, it'll loosen the grip.

Bland en meget lille smule vaseline sammen med øjenskyggen, for at få en våd effekt. (anbefales ikke til daglig brug – se alternativ)

12. Use it to polish leather shoes and bags. 

13. Mix a tiny bit of Vaseline with your eyeshadow to get a wet effect. Don't do this every day, it's not healthy for the sensitive skin on your eyelids. 

14. Use it in your face when you go on longer flights to prevent your skin from drying out from the plane's aircondition.

15. Remove glue from fake eyelashes with Vaseline. 

16. Lastly, you can use it on your lips, if you like that.  

These were my 16 uses for Vaseline. Do you have anything I've missed? Let me know!

Thursday 28 November 2013

A Week on Instagram #2

I know this is a day late, but as I mentioned, yesterday was my birthday, so I wanted to make a birthday post instead. I've tried to post more things on Instagram, but I'm really bad at remembering to capture the moments. I did get some though, and without further ado, here's my week on Instagram:

The pictures are from my Instagram, follow me at  @Calliewtf

Wednesday 27 November 2013

My 19th birthday!

Today is my birthday. I'm not really the kind of person who makes a big deal out of birthdays, but I like celebrating with my family and friends. As I live alone, I wasn't woken up with my family singing for me, nice breakfast or presents in the morning. In fact, I just got up, got ready and went to school. But it's been a nice day anyway. My friend Julie gets the award for making me the best present in the world. My English teacher has a twitter, and I showed her a tweet about me. She thought it was funny, and decided to frame it for me. I laughed so hard, best gift!
Other than that, my parents and sisters got me a leather jacket from New Look. Even though I mentioned here, I was actually planning on wishing for one for christmas. But my mum and I talked about leather jackets once, and they got me one. I really like it! My uncle, aunt and cousins got me a box of Pukka Night Time tea and two tea towels from OyOy. From my grandparents I got money, which is also very much appreciated, because I do spend a lot of money.

Tuesday 26 November 2013

How I feel about The Hunger Games

When the books first came out, I didn't really care about them. To be honest, I've never read them until now. As you might know, if you follow me on Twitter, I went to see Catching Fire this Friday. I purchased the books when I went to London, because I was planning to read them before going to watch the movies. But let's be honest, I didn't even start. But my lovely friend invited me to go watch Catching Fire, and I figured I might as well. So we went to watch it, and I really liked it. It was so good, oh my god.
But! If you've watched the film, or read the book, you know how Catching Fire ends. You know how outraged you probably were, and so was I. So when I got home, I sat down with my books, and started reading from the beginning. I didn't want to just read Mockingjay, because you can't start in the middle of a book series. So as of today, I've finished the first book and I'm not planning on reading anything but Catching Fire and Mockingjay until I've finished them!
If you haven't read them or seen the films, go buy the books. Read them. Go watch the films. They're so good, and Jennifer Lawrence is so amazing as Katniss.

Have you read them, or seen them? Let me know what you think!

Monday 25 November 2013

The Day of the Doctor!

If you're British, you've probably already seen it. If you're European, there's still a tiny chance that you haven't seen it. As the title suggests, I'm obviously talking about Doctor Who's 50th anniversary, this saturday. If you haven't seen it, don't worry, I won't spoil. If I do, I'll make it bold so you can easily skip it.
As I mentioned, I'm European. That means that I couldn't legally watch The Day of the Doctor until yesterday at about 9pm, where a Danish channel put it online. I'm a massive Whovian, so I sat down and watched it and I was really excited. I still am, because holy mother of God, that was so amazing. I probably sound so strange, but I sat for about an hour an a half afterwards, gross sobbing and laughing. It was so beautiful that I really didn't know how I felt about it. I was expecting it to be more depressing, because it's Moffat. Let's be honest for a moment; Moffat does know how to write painful, horrifying and confusing episodes. When we've got that settled, I actually think the special was really harmless and nice. **SPOILER** The best part, to me, is the fact that the Doctor was finally happy. Even though he won't remember it, he got to be happy for a moment. **SPOILER OVER**

Have you seen the Anniversary-special? What did you think? Let me know!
Here's some of the moments I snapped and posted on my Instagram:

Saturday 23 November 2013

I am a listener

This is probably going to be long and personal. If you don't want that, you can stop reading now, I won't judge you.I'm a listener. I feel a certain responsibility upon the people I know. I feel so much responsibility, that I sometimes forget myself. I don't do that on purpose, I just care so much about everyone, that I can't let them feel bad. I love listening if people need to talk to someone, and I usually do my very best to help them. I look at things this way: if I can help just one person in need, I get better. I try to tell people that I'll gladly help them, but I don't think they ever plan on asking for my help. I want to make sure that all my friends are doing okay, so I ask them to tell me when they need someone to listen, because I know how it feels to have no one to talk to. It tends to get me to the head, and I seem clingy, which is horrible, because I just want to help.
I lost one friend by letting her down, and I don't want to lose another, so I do my best to ask if there's anything I can do, when they're upset. I write poetry when I'm upset, and this is what came out of losing my friend: 
She is alone once again Alone, only the bottles keep her company One is emptied, another is opened One is broken, another is taken from the box One is broken, as goes for her skin Her skin, her mind, her hopes Everything is broken A bottle broken, a piece of broken bottle It feels like it helps As she tears her skin open once again Little does she know that someone is watching Someone, who wants to help Someone who keeps asking her They want to know what is wrong But she tells nothing She keeps quiet No one knows that she is in pain Because she cannot tell She does not want people to know They interfere She wants to make an end to it The bottles, the pain, the misery Misery loves company Company loves more She loves the relief The scars provide The glass is open Once again She opens a bottle to follow Little does she know It has become a problem A seemingly unsolvable problem At age eighteen Is it normal Will it ever be? Having these problems are not normal Not at that age The pills to kill the pain The pills to kill the misery The pills that will eventually kill her She stopped caring a long time ago One goes down Two go down Three go down Three should do it She ends her life Little does she know She took one more life Little does she know, she took mine too

If you've read this, please let me know! If so, thank you!

Thursday 21 November 2013

Christmas Wishlist

I know that it's only November, but people already buy christmas presents. That means that they will call you and ask for christmas wishes. Lovely!
I'm very bad at knowing what I wish for, so I try to make a christmas wishlist, even though I usually say things like "Just buy me something that you think will make me happy", "I don't care what you get me, I'll love it!" and "I don't know, I'm horrible at this!". But not this year. This year I'll start "early" and make a list in my little black notebook. I'll probably make it longer as I go. I don't know how long yet, but this is how it looks so far:

I went to a halloween-party dressed as Abaddon from Supernatural. That included a leather jacket, that I borrowed from my friend. Throughout the night I got so many comments about how great I looked in a leather jacket, and I had to get one. So now I feel like I need one, and it's the first thing on the list.
I've always loved Dr. Martens, and I've had numerous pairs through the years, always red. Now I'm gonna go for something different and wish for a black pair.
The third thing is a pair of earplugs. I can't go anywhere without music, and apparently blasting music out loud is frowned upon, so I need new earplugs. Unfortunately, I can't afford proper earplugs. Fortunately, I can write them on my wish list.
I'm not a very good cook, but luckily I can get help. Frk. Jensen is a cookbook that has the most basic recipes like buns and a chocolate cake. I really need that in my life, because I'm really not a Gordon Ramsay. It deserves a spot on my wish list as well.
My mum's always told me that my hair looks better when I straighten it, even though it's already pretty straight. Unlike most girls, I don't have a straightening iron, but I really want one.
As I mentioned in this post I'm madly in love with New Look. As I also mentioned, I can't afford buying as much as I want to. Gift cards are always good for that kind of thing, so I want to put some on my wish list. I also ask for a gift card for EyesLipsFace. Their makeup is really, really cheap but so good! They have a lot of basic things for £1.50, which is really cheap even though the quality is great! Definitely worth a go!
The last thing is underwear. If you're a girl and you have big breasts, you know the problem; you can't buy nice underwear unless you want to pay £50 for it. That really sucks, because I love wearing nice underwear, but again, I can't afford it. After my school trip to London I fell in love with Ann Summers' underwear. It's really really beautiful, but I can't find it anywhere in Denmark, which is really sad.

Like I said, I need more wishes. Tell me what you wish for!

Wednesday 20 November 2013

For when you're sad

I was browsing Tumblr, when I stumbled upon the cutest thing I've ever seen. Tiny puppies that learn how to howl. They're just so tiny and adorable, and they don't all succeed, but you can't help but to think "Aw it's okay sweetie, you tried!" and it just made me happy. I hope it'll make you happy too, if you're sad. If you're not sad, here's a video that makes your day even better:

A Week on Instagram #1

As promised here, I'm going to show you the photos that I've posted on Instagram during the last week. I really don't use Insagram that often, but I'm trying to get to use it a little more, so I can post you something here. Without further ado, here's my week on Instagram:

You can find captions to all of them on my Instagram, @calliewtf. Have a lovely day!

Tuesday 19 November 2013

New Look Dresses!

I really love dresses. If I had more money, I'd probably spend all of them on dresses from New Look. During a school trip to London in October, I managed to spend £75 on dresses and tops, because New Look had a sale. Whoops!
I fall in love easily. Especially in clothing, and especially in clothing that I can't afford. If you've ever been shopping a lot, you know the feeling! I spend a lot of money on shopping, which is a really bad idea when you live alone and like food as well. I always find an excuse to spend a lot of money, and recently my excuse has been "Well, I need something to wear for my birthday, christmas and new year!" even though I have a lot of clothing in my closet. During the past couple of days, I've fallen in love with far too many dresses, take a look at my four favourites:

I feel like I need all of them for christmas, birthday and new year. I know that I really shouldn't buy them, but they're so lovely! Let me know what you think! 

Monday 18 November 2013

Winter Remedies for Dry Skin!

It's winter! Well, it's starting to get colder, which means that my skin, face and lips will most likely start getting dry because of the coldness in the air. That's really horrible if you're not prepared for it. If your lips get dry, you probably recognise this: your lips are getting really dry, so you just lick them to fix that. The lips get more dry, which causes you to lick them even more, and eventually your lips will get sore and red. Of course, some people use lipbalms. Some people use Vaseline. The problem with Vaseline is, that it comes in a really annoying can, it's greasy and it melts in your pocket. Instead, go buy a normal lip balm. Some people pay a lot of money for fancy lip balms like Eos. I don't. I use this:

Mentholatum lipbalm. It's really nice, and I really enjoy it's menthol scent. It sinks in really fast and makes your lips soft and nice. Also, it's cheap. I don't think I paid more than £2.50 for a double pack. A really great alternative to ordinary lip balms. I think it's the first lip balm that I've actually used until it was empty, because I'm the kind of person who accidentally wash and dry my lip balms because I leave them in my pants. But not this one, because I use it a lot, and it's never really in my pants, but in my coat, which I bring everywhere. So yeah, definitely worth it!

If you have dry skin, you probably recognise this as well: your hands get dry. Sometimes my hands get so dry that skin starts to fall off. It's actually really disgusting, so I'm not going to go into details. My point is, it's really annoying and it really, REALLY hurts. So what you need  is a good moisturizer. This time I'll do the opposite of what I did above and warmly recommend this:

Vaseline Healthy Hands and Stronger Nails. It's genuinely the best hand cream I've ever had. It's not even £1.50, and it's still so amazing! It has a bit of a weird scent. Kind of rosy, kind of like the classic grandma-creams. But it's okay, because it dries in really fast and makes your hands and fingers soft as a baby's bottom. If you can find this, just give it a go, because it's so good!

What do you use for dry skin in the winter? Let me know!

A week on Instagram!

I've decided that on wednesdays, I'll make a blog post with photos that I've taken with Instagram during the past week. The first one will be this wednesday, and I'll try to post a lot of photos, so I can have a lot of photos to show you!
If you want to see it now, you can find my instagram here.

Until then, have a lovely life! I don't want to make a blog post without photos in it, so here's a gif:

Sunday 17 November 2013

Cleaning and evening tea

I'm the kind of person who lives in a constant state of jetlag. In the weekends, I go to sleep at 3am and get up at 10am, if I've got things to do. Otherwise I tend to stay in bed until past noon. I know I probably shouldn't, but I have a lot of sleep to catch up on.
Today I got up at 12:30 after staying in bed for about three hours watching let's play videos. Normally Sunday is one of those days where I get up, make myself a nice breakfast and just doing fun stuff at home. But today I didn't feel like doing anything, so I just didn't. That's why I love living alone.
At 12:30 I realised that my nice little home looked like someone threw a bomb, so I felt like I had to get up and do something about it. That means that I've completely forgotten to eat, and to be honest, I haven't felt hungry. Dishes are done, kitchen is cleaned, bathroom looks nice, this is good. I would like to point out that I'm not a neat freak, I just enjoy cleaning.

Now I've lit some candles and made myself a nice cup of my favourite strawberry tea. In about an hour, Captain America is on, so I'll probably eat some cinnamon crispbread while I watch that. Have a lovely evening! Cheers!