Tuesday 17 December 2013

Bonus: testing ELF

To show you what I meant when I said "kind of orange". What I really meant was "It's very orange and not very pretty". To be honest, I don't really like it very much, Captivating wasn't my shade. The eye is mine, and I tested the mascara. It gives a nice length, which is what I think is important. 

ELF Haul!

As I told you in this blogpost I've ordered a bunch of makeup from EyesLipsFace, and it FINALLY arrived! I got the box in the mail today, and when I opened it, it looked so christmassy and nice because they actually put some pink fluff inside the box to make it more festive! I ordered a Regular and Waterproof mascara duo, accidentally two Lipsticks in the shade "Captivating", Eye Transformer palletteComplete coverage Concealer and lastly a 10pc Festive Brush Set.

Generally, I'm positively surprised. I paid £3.75 for the eyeshadows and concealers, and I think they were definitely worth the money! The concealer covers every red spot I have. Two of the eyeshadows are too coloured for my taste, but the other two are nude and I really like that. The Mascara gives great length to my lashes, which is what I was going for, because my eyelashes are voluminous already. I'm not too excited about the lipstick though. It's kind of orange, which looks really strange. Sadly. 

I really like the brushes though. I paid £12 for ten brushes, which is ridiculously cheap, but I actually think they're really nice. I haven't used them yet, but they feel great!
Like I said, I accidentally bought two lipsticks, so I'm planning on giving one of them to my friend along with her christmas present.
All in all, 9/10, would recomment! (Click here to see the aftermaths of testing makeup)

Last note: I'm sorry about being so absent, I've written a big assignment for school, and I'm finally almost finished. I just need to read it through, correct grammar and typos, and then I hand it in on friday! If I won't get a chance to blog before christmas, MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Saturday 7 December 2013

Writer's block and makeup!

Yesterday I had my unofficial last day of school. As I'm a high school senior, I have to write a massive assignment crossing over two subjects. I chose to cross over English and Social Studies and go with Sherlock Holmes, Fan culture and Tumblr, which is really cool, but now I'm stuck. I've finished the offspring, read all my texts and now it's just writing the analysis and interpretation, look at Tumblr with a sociologic angle and write my observations, finish off the assignment and then read it through. I just can't get to it. I need a break, and I need to do something fun. Not that reading Sherlock Holmes isn't fun, I just need to go somewhere.

On the bright side, my procrastination pushed me onto EyesLipsFace. I've always thought of buying something from them, just to see how good it really is, when it's so cheap. I'm running out of eyeshadow and concealer, so I've ordered some lipsticks, a concealer, an eye shadow pallette, a mascara and some brushes. You'll se what I've gotten when the mailman shows up with a big box of makeup!

Have you ever tried ELF's makeup? If so, what did you think?

By the way; I know I haven't posted this week's A Week on Instagram, but to be honest, nothing's really happened. Sorry!

Monday 2 December 2013

Christmas Shopping!

We've reached December. That means that Christmas is less than a month away. Today I went to buy some presents for my parents and grandparents. Of course, as always, I got something for myself as well. I got a glittery nailpolish from Loréal, some fun things for christmas and a box of christmassy body butters from Baylis & Harding. It has three containers with a Sweet Peppermint, a Cherry Candy Cane and a Strawberry Swirl. I haven't tried them yet, but I will soon. The large present is for my grandparents, and the smaller one is for my parents.

Who are you buying gifts for this year? Let me know!


Sunday 1 December 2013

When your brain shuts down

Today one of my friends asked me "If you could choose one superpower, which one would you like?". But then the thing happens. As soon as I get asked to choose something, I suddenly forget every single thing I know. I forgot every single superpower, and the first one I could think of was invisibility. I panicked and said that. I still can't think of any superpowers that would be cool. Maybe the ability to refill things. No money? Refill. No food? Refill. No shampoo? Refill that bottle!
Well, that was a step aside. I don't know if anyone recognizes my trouble. Ask me to mention three presidents, and I forget every single president to ever have existed. Ask me what kind of ice cream I prefer, and I forget every single flavour I've ever tasted. I found a video that proved to me, that I'm not actually the only person to have this problem. In this video, a guy approaches different people and say "For a dollar, name...." I laughed really hard when I watched it, because I recognized myself in it. There's one person who succeeds, the rest are panicking and not responding. Watch it here:

Do you recognize it? Let me know!